night city hike
ブランドのローンチに合わせ、12 月 19 日にnight city hikeを開催。案件募集の 掲示板を模したサイトで参加者を募った。当日は、約 10 名のテックウェアに身を包んだ 集団が maastik のアイテムを着用し、夜の街中を闊歩。何かに指示を受けているかのよう な謎の集団は思い思いの『身軽さ』を表現するテックウェアに身を包み、デビューコレク ションのアイコンであるリフレクターの反射を楽しみながら、夜の街を自由に歩き回っ た。
“Night City Hike” will be held on December 19th to coincide with the brand launch. Participants were solicited through a site that resembled a bulletin board for project recruitment. On the day of the event, a group of about 10 people dressed in tech wear wore maastik items and strode around the city at night. The mysterious group, who seem to be receiving instructions from someone, are dressed in tech wear that expresses their ``lightness'' and freely roam the city at night while enjoying the reflections of the reflectors that are the icon of their debut collection. I walked around.
There were many people nearby who were curious and took photos and videos with their smartphones.