バッグパックを持つまでもない日。意外と多く存在する。 携帯・財布・鍵。あとは途中で購入したペットボトル飲料が入れば。 メインコンパートメントとは別に、背面に配置したスマホがすっぽり入るポケットは 必要な時にさっと取り出せて、他の内容物と混在しない。 さらにポケット内部に設置されたキーリングで鍵の収納も安心。 外ポケットには軽量かつ強度が高く、撥水性も兼ね備えたダイニーマ生地を採用。 機能性はもちろんのこと、その独特の透ける素材感が魅力。 アクティブな1日に必要な機能性を備えたボディバッグ。
A day when you don't even need to carry a backpack. There are surprisingly many of them. Mobile phone, wallet, keys. All you have to do is put in the plastic bottle you bought on the way. Apart from the main compartment, there is a pocket on the back that can fit a smartphone. It can be taken out quickly when needed and does not mix with other contents. Furthermore, you can safely store your keys with the key ring installed inside the pocket. The outer pockets are made of Dyneema fabric, which is lightweight, strong, and water repellent. Not only is it functional, but its unique transparent material is attractive. A body bag with the functionality you need for an active day.

price : ¥15,400