ドローコードが絞りやすい生地の質感・絞りやすいコードの太さ。 内側のポケット、外側のメッシュポケット、仕切りはあえて設けず自由度を高くした。使い方によって、さまざまな用途に対応してくれる。 サイドリリースバックルは、着脱のしやすいものが良い。今回のプロダクトにはV字アジャスターパーツを採用したことにより、ぐっと着脱動作がしやすくなっている。
It's fine to omit unused features and provide the minimum level of functionality that users already have, so that they can imagine themselves using it in real life. We pursued simplicity and ease of use. The capacity is a generous 27L. Just the right size for light mountain climbing for one day to one night. You can adjust the volume with the drawcord, so it's smart for city use. The texture of the fabric makes it easy to squeeze the draw cord, and the thickness of the cord makes it easy to squeeze. There are no inner pockets, outer mesh pockets, or partitions to give you more freedom. Depending on how you use it, it can be used for a variety of purposes. Side release buckles should be easy to put on and take off. This product uses V-shaped adjuster parts, making it much easier to put on and take off. Even a small action can change the usability.